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schools in district
Title: P.S. 76 William Hallett School
Title: P.S. 78
Title: P.S. 84 Steinway School
Title: P.S. 85 Judge Charles Vallone
Elementary Schools
- Most children attend school based on their home address
- Other options include gifted programs,charters and unzoned schools
- Apply in January for the following September
source : https://insideschools.org/
Middle School
- All Students must apply even if they have a zoned school
- Some districts have zoned schools; others are all choice
- Apply in December for the following September
source : https://insideschools.org/
High Schools
- There are hundreds of high schools to choose from
- Some require an exam or audition, others admit children by lottery
- 8th & 9th graders apply in December for the following September
source : https://insideschools.org/